Contact Us
General questions or comments?
Please email us at or call 919.515.3503. We will do our best to assist you.
See a detailed listing of Gregg staff, including emails and phone numbers here.
Want to stay up to date on our exhibitions, programs, and more?
Sign up for our newsletter here.
Want to set up a tour of our exhibitions?
The Gregg’s staff can arrange tours of our exhibitions for you, your group, or class. To schedule a tour or arrange a class visit to the Gregg’s current exhibitions, please complete the tour request form. If you have questions about the Gregg’s educational programs, please contact Tamara Velasco, Education Coordinator.
Sending standard mailings, literature and other small parcels via USPS
Gregg Museum of Art & Design
NC State University
Campus Box 7330
Raleigh, NC 27695-7330 USA
Sending larger packages and freight deliveries (e.g. via FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc.)
Gregg Museum of Art & Design
NC State University
1903 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh NC 27607 USA
If you are driving a delivery truck or just dropping off or picking up from the Gregg Museum, we’ll be happy to help you. Please call ahead as soon as possible: 919-515-3503. We have a loading dock with a hydraulic lift to facilitate heavy deliveries from any size vehicle.
Submitting art for exhibition consideration
The Gregg Museum of Art & Design welcomes submissions for review for exhibition, but before sending us any images of your work, please read our guidelines for submitting artwork carefully and follow the instructions.
Donating objects to the permanent collection
The Gregg Museum is currently evaluating its holdings, and is not considering unsolicited object or library donations. If you have questions regarding this, please contact Mary Hauser,